Relocation – Know When To Make Your Move!
In this era of unprecedented mobility, the best job opportunity for you may be a few state lines away. It’s a big decision to relocate for a new job. If that is a consideration, here are just a few of many factors to consider when thinking of taking that relocation offer.
Opportunities for Advancement
Something to take into consideration when relocating for a job is whether or not there are opportunities to move up the ladder once you get there. Having a clear path to promotions or future leadership roles is important when considering whether to move somewhere longterm.
Your family
“By the way, honey, we’re moving to Pittsburgh next month.”… Probably not the way to let your significant other know about a new job .. but that opportunity for you can also be an opportunity for other members of your family. And moving is a lot more fun when everyone’s excited about it. But make sure to include them in the front end of any discussions so that the excitement doesn’t turn into dread …. or worse!
The Location Itself
The city or region you’ll be relocating to makes a difference. You might not want to relocate somewhere with a much higher cost of living unless this new role would compensate accordingly. And is it even somewhere you would like to live and raise your family if that’s a circumstance? The changes in culture, recreation, educational opportunites and weather are just some of the things to consider.
Moving Costs/Logistics
Is your future company isn’t going to cover or provide help to cover the costs of relocating? Whether you’re moving across the state or across the country, moving really adds up. Again, depending on whether you have a family, it can get expensive quickly. Detail these factors in your negotiation list for the job offer. It’s not all just salary.
Final Thoughts
Relocation is a huge step and not one to be taken lightly. Remember you (and your family) get to make this decision. This is your life, and no one can tell you what to do (nope, not even your really smart soon-to-be boss). It’s a big decision, but with these and other considerations you will make the right call. Good Luck!