Career Resources
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

Steve Jobs

 That Recruiter Can Speed Up Your Job Search

You probably know someone who knows someone who landed a great gig by working with a recruiter. How can you do that? Read on to find out:

Have you been applying and applying but feeling like you’re not succeeding with your job search? It’s a complex and foreign world of email blasts, LinkedIn connecting, and phone interviews – so it’s natural if you feel like avoiding recruiters entirely — but this is your career on the line!

A recruiter can help. If you fit the ideal profile for that next management or executive role the right recruiter can put you in front of a hiring manager and in many cases, the CEO or business owner. They can present you in the best light possible, showcase your resume more clearly and effectively – and get you that first in-person interview.

In addition to being at the forefront of the stack of candidates a hiring manager is considering, a recruiter can advocate for your skills and successes in a way that your resume simply can’t. They can make sure the hiring manager doesn’t miss any you key qualifications for a particular role, and they can fight for you to be considered more than just your resume can. 

Another distinct benefit of working with a recruiter is knowing about potentially confidential opportunities. Many jobs aren’t posted online, and recruiters are normally tasked with helping hiring managers with these roles. They will give you a better chance of being exposed to many more opportunities than you’d have on your own.

Final Thoughts

The process of finding a job is tough and your best bet is to work with a recruiter to help you find the job you’ll be successful in for years to come. 


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